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A member registered Mar 08, 2022

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Is that the same creator? The style of that game looked so different I thought the names were just coincidental?

Maybe not rude but I felt very dismissed?

i assume its related to gender dysmorphia and sexuality and potentially the specifically mention by mc fact that tamarack's parents stress everyone out whenever they come to visit and that everyone is worried about being too close with her due to not wanting to get hurt when she inevitably leaves but im not really sure. that was the best i could do with the few informations we got.

that said i felt qiu was also kinda rude to the player despite being close so idk

okay so after playing both the demo and the preview of step 2 i have some questions.

first of all nothing against lgbt+ or whatever pronouns people use BUT...
so qiu the only male romancable character as of rn becomes none binary leaning female atleast per looks?? nothing wrong with that but that said are other romancable characters gonna get their own tabs in the settings too??
just because i didnt read through the small intros here on the game page and there for wasnt prepared for it and was gonna go for qiu but lost interest what with their feminine being as im very much straight and dont even really go for feminine guys.
the game explains that you can do the relationship settings (friends, neighbours, crush etc) for qiu and tamarack but im left wondering if this is available to all romancable characters?? if it's not im not entirely sure how you're gonna be able to like configure that for yourself as the game makes it sound like you can be with anyone you want (guys not the teacher please we're kids XD) and you do get kind of an intro to both darren and baxter that are alike with that of qiu and tamarack where you can be like "wow this person is HOT" kind of i've taken some liberties go away. but then you dont get to mess around with their costumizable options.
and if it was to be added im not sure how youd add their costumizing tabs to the side with qiu and tamaracks? like at some point you'd run out of space no??
so... what im asking is what is the plan here?? can you only set these things for the two of them? if yes then i think im not the only one to say im a little dissappointed mainly because this aspect of the game was what really got my attention when i started it.

next question!
are you only gonna be able to change clothes and alike once or twice per step??
i found after realising that they notice when you change clothes that it became more interesting to do and that what i do to my character actually matters like adding a bandaid or not taking your hair band off when going inside? is it gonna be set so you get to pick these things along the lines of once a day or is it gonna stick with about once or twice per step??
i'd also like the ablility to change the hair during this option too. i started the game out with a pony and was thinking about letting the hair free when the game offered to change things but then wasnt able to change the hair. i could understand if you cant suddenly change it's length but the style i feel should be changable very few people do their hair and makeup the same every day. well.. makeup maybe XD but still!

i also noticed this about qiu but they seem extremely unaproachable to mc at step 2 and i understand theres some stuff not explained due to spoilers and such but the game did say that we were super close or something along that line and when setting up their relationship i felt extremely distant and dechatched from them meanwhile where i'd feel disconnected from tamarack she now somehow was my bff even tho i didnt set her up that way she seemed like her and mc was super close.
it's a  bit confusing maybe im just missing some spoiler stuff??

oh well those are my questions. if anyone knows or GBPatch happens to see this lemme know im super interested and would probably play at release either way so yeh!

whatts the deal with the relationship costumizing is it limited to tam and qiu only or not?
and why is it that qiu seems so distant in spite of mc being their "bff" at the point of step 2??
are there gonna be more frequent outfit changes or is it limited to around 3 times each step??

thanks :D

the hell is going on here XD

I think I'm just gonna go die at this rate 😭

is there any idea of what year the game might release fully??

idk if you figured it out yet put im pretty sure stats dont show till after the intro??
if anything try going back to the start

I must be doing something wrong then 😂 i fifired it out by now tho 😂😭

how many times are you supposed to clean up the park???

theres a bug where russian (i think??) text will show up and replace english text. i experience this happening to both the text that ill already have seen in english but also sometimes to text i havent seen before. specifically during christy's quest where you're talking to the store girl the quest notes will sometimes show up in this other language after doing one or more of the tasks but then going back to normal after completing another one.

same thing when you talk to mumble and itchy the first time some of their speech will show up as this language

again i've assumed it's russian but tbh idk

ik but i feel like this is something you shouldn't need to do for a game? Like updating your driver's and stuff sure but downloading a whole extra program seems a little much? Especially since i haven't any idea what this program is or does.

And if you as the player need to download an extra program to play they should tell people in the description aswell so that you're aware beforehand

i noticed because my game was being buggy and decided to force kill no matter what i do so i decided to quit and just watch the ending on yt but... there isnt a way to leave the game without dying first. you can only save when you hit escape.

this is my little review of the gameplay as far as i got.

the ability to leave to title screen (at the very least it's not very clear where the exit button is maybe i just couldnt see it)

it's missing some indication of which doors to use which keys for as "a rusty key" doesnt tell me much since all the possible doors simply respond with "locked door" or suddenly unlock because you happend to walk into it after getting the key.

and then im missing an inventory. it's fine that you dont really need it to like grab your items to use but in the inventory you can see which keys you have if you even have one or reread notes and such. so even if you didnt have the key to a door you could still open and check what you actually do have.

also saw someone say something about the puzzles but i honestly felt there werent any outside of the number combination code to the knife which was hidden in the same room. this would've been a good opportunity to get the player to go around the map

overall the house feels very empty and honestly kinda flat. theres hardly any clutter and the spaces that have clutter are to big or feel too big at least.

some of the bookshelves are placed against the bottom walls or side walls in a way that you cant really see them as the game is pretty dark and all the shelves are coloured in black? on the top part atleast? with a gold or something like that edge lining thing.
it just leaves you thinking the rooms has some weird shapes or hidden doors.

i recommend in the future just not placing them against walls where you cant see the front of have them be a completely different shape from a straight square (i would show examples but i cant.

overall it was decent but definitely could use some work

nope gotta replay

im getting an error message saying i need rpgvxace to run the game?

if you've seen the cute little jumpscare signs from spooky's scary mansion these jumpscares are basically that.

theres also only one chase in the game and it's super short so you wont need to worry too much

greetings from your fellow easy to scare human :3

i have officially reached the ending and the code is 180112 i you're insisting on not playing the other endings though i will say playing the other endings is recommended for the code space

maybe try your other shift button? does your shift work when you do capital letters (like holding shift to make a B instead of hitting caps then letter then caps) if that doesnt work then maybe it'd your keyboard as i didnt have any issues with it either. it could be a button lock too? like numlock or something

you can use F6 to make the display bigger and most indie games like this one (and this one as i've used it) you can also press F5 to get that full screen view but atleast for this game it doesnt change the resolution and the game size wont be bigger that what F6 allows

what do you mean by that? XD

you have to get the good or true ending to get the code.
atleast thats what the thingy says when you read it.

if it's not there try google or the lucky/unlucky numbers that you get in the comedy section which wassssssssssss.... idk the order but 4,7,2,13 i think 7 and 2 being lucky numbers.

np :D i had trouble with it too since i didnt have time to read everything the first time (im slow) i got to read it my second time round properly and it just clicked :3 gl everyone

do you have a list with the music use? i'd love to keep listening to these songs

you gotta count the individual bananas not bundle by bundle. so one bundle of bananas has 4 bananas meaning 4 + 4 bananas + 1 apple (which equals to 10) gives 18.

the final question is 1 coconut (2) + 1 apple (10) + 3 bananas (one individual banana is 1) so the final answer is 15 because 2 + 10 + 3 = 15

i struggled too but if you answer wrong once the game gives a hint that says "count the bananas" or something like that they just mean every banana in each bundle